Microplastics in the Adriatic Sea: characterization of the associated microbiota, of the adsorbed toxic compounds, and of the impact on unicellular model organisms
Scienze fisiche
Angela Piersanti
Scuola di Bioscienze e Medicina Veterinaria
The objectives of this research project are: i) identification of microplastics in the sea sediments in a protected area of the Adriatic Sea, the Regional Natural Reserved Area Sentina in San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), and of the associated microorganisms, including species relevant for pathogenicity or for potential activity in bioremediation (plastics degradation); ii) study of genes and biological processes activated by plastic contamination and by their released substances in unicellular eukaryotic microorganisms, specifically the protozoan ciliate Euplotes crassus, for which the genome is annotated and some strains were collected in the same protected area of the Adriatic Sea.
Unsupervised Artificial Intelligence techniques for data-driven discoveries
Scienze fisiche
Syed Anwar Ul Hasan
Classe di Scienze, Laboratorio NEST
In this work, entirely done at CERN, we assess the computing needs to deploy deep learning (DL) algorithms of typical size on CPUs and GPUs and compare the corresponding inference time and memory footprint to the typical requirements of an online and offline system. The question we ask in this work is very relevant for the operation of DL algorithms in the High-Level Trigger (HLT) computing farms of the ATLAS and CMS experiments during the incoming Run of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). When using ONNX Runtime, one can keep the CPU inference time within 10 ms for as many as 64 inferences, and similarly we observe GPU inference time within 3 ms for as many as 128 inferences. This result suggests that TensorRT based compression could be an ideal choice for HLT inference with GPUs for models of our kind, size. and complexity.
DOriS – DNA Origami Supraparticles
Scienze fisiche
Alex Stopar
Area Fisica della SISSA
The DOriS project explored new self-assembly paradigms for realizing extended, yet non-crystalline, structures based on DNA supraparticles. The project’s gist is to design the shape and interaction of DNA origami particles so they can form self-assemblies with exotic physical properties unachievable by conventional materials. The DOriS international team collaborated to identify candidate DNA origami that can yield meta-materials with tunable structural complexity (short- or long-range order) and mechanical properties (compressibility). To this end, we implemented advanced techniques for molecular design and molecular dynamics simulations as a virtual lab for meta-materials prototyping.
Time-resolved high-temperature and high-pressure studies of functional substances
Scienze fisiche
Yimin Mijiti
Scuola di Scienze e Tecnologie
The project was aimed to develop high pressure high temperature experimental techniques and studies of materials under extreme pressure and temperature conditions taking advantage of the scientific opportunities offered by the state of the art synchrotron light sources. As a result of the collaborative effort of postdoc fellow and researchers from University of Camerino and BM23 beamline of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), a high temperature diamond anvil cell system partially build by BETSA company has been tested, further developed and tested for x-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements under high pressure and temperature. Properties of several substances of interest for basic and applied sciences (e.g, Se, amorphous GeSe2, eutectic GaIn liquid, Si nanowires, metallic glasses) have been studied under extreme conditions using synchrotron (EXAFS, XRD, mainly at ESRF) and laboratory techniques (Raman spectroscopy, at the University of Camerino). Results have been published on several scientific journals and are intended to improve the experimental strategies for the studies of matter under extreme conditions, providing quantitative local structural information for understanding the properties of disordered (liquids, amorphous solids) and nano-sized substances under high pressure and temperature conditions. Those results are also directly relevant to current topics in the basic condensed matter physics, earth and materials sciences.